Remote Brainstorming In The Age of Remote Working

Remote brainstorming

Brainstorming, as we all know, is a vital element in every business. Bringing together various points of view, encouraging critical thinking, and building non-judgmental and progressive team connections are its prime aspects. Organizations arrange for brainstorming sessions from time to time for generating ideas. This was the usual scenario, pre-lockdown. In this new age of […]

The Need for Cultivating Adaptability to Fight COVID-19: An Employee Perspective

Adaptability to fight

Adaptability has now become one of the most vital traits for a knowledge worker. Assessing innovative and relevant status quos, making appropriate decisions based on that assessment, and its subsequent implementation is the present-day mantra for being on top of your game in a world running on the New Normal. In other words, the BBC […]

HR Tips on Keeping Employees Motivated in the Pandemic Era

Employee motivated

Working from home is fun if done intentionally. But when you are forced into a house arrest for an indefinite period due to a pandemic taking the world head-on, it is neither fun nor leisure. Besides, working from home in the pandemic era can lead to some grave complications. The pandemic, coupled with its fear […]

Why Does the Education Industry Need to Digitally Manage Their Visitors?

Education Industry

An educational institution is the cornerstone of a society and hence a nation. So, its overall safety is a prime requisite when it comes to schools and other educational institutions. With all the security mishaps growing all-powerful worldwide since the last decade, and recently with the health concerns brought about by the COVID-19 outbreak, guardians […]

Making Your Front Office the Vanguard in the War Against COVID-19

War against covid

Getting back to work after this extended lockdown is not going to be a walk in the park. In fact, this time you will have to be extra vigilant about your health and be geared with all your safety practices – washing hands, masks, sanitizers, etc. Excited as we all are at getting back to […]

Breaking the Net – Mastering Offline Productivity During Crisis Hours

Offline productivity

What is the world today without internet access? To be very precise, clueless! With an internet connection, you can be the most knowledgeable person in the room with access to every information under the sun, and you are connected to the entire world. But what if you get stuck at a place with no electricity […]

How are Security and Scaling Going to Help Business Continuity?

Security and scaling

With the continuous extension in lockdown and social isolation, it is probably the lengthiest and fastest switch ever watched by the world. With almost little or no prior notice, every company had to shift from the physical office spaces to a remote working structure. Whereas the safety and security of the employees had been prioritized, […]

How to Keep Your Office Safe with No-Touch Visitor Check-In Process?

No touch visitor

Offices are opening and visitors are coming in to meet you. But the virus threat is yet not over. New COVID-19 positive cases are still being recorded. How will you now ensure the safety of your workers and contain the spread of the deadly disease in your front office? Social media posts are always talking […]

Up Your Productivity Game With Some Cool Hacks


Necessary Hacks to Shape a Productive Workforce for the Future of Work Productivity is regarded as the prime requirement of every organization. Workforce productivity cannot be dodged under any circumstance if you want your esteemed organization to outshine. Even then, the way to attain the much-desired top-notch productivity is filled with numerous misapprehensions as well […]

Leveraging Digital Reception at the time of a Zootonic Virus Outbreak

Digital reception

With the incessant hike in the number of COVID-19 positive cases nationwide, all organizations are being forced to continue operating remotely. Even though this phase is supposed to continue indefinitely, it goes without saying that every organization will be required to introduce certain protocols inside the premises once they open to break or fence the […]