The New Culture of an Automation-Driven Workplace

New culture of an automation

The merger of humanity and technology has been the highlight of the new normal on the work front. This merger had made the extended and unplanned work-from-home phase simpler to a great extent. But as society is rolling back to its pre-pandemic pace (of course, with certain health-related restrictions), we have started living in the […]

Workplace Automation 2.0 – what is it and what’s in store for you?

Workplace automation

The sudden outbreak of a pandemic had made us go through several drastic transformations, one of which has taken over today’s workplaces,globally. Workplace automation, which had been a good-to-have requirement till then, has suddenly transformed into a must-have with businesses looking to invest more in it. The Workplace Automation 2.0 Every business had shifted from […]

Can a Touchless Reception Ensure Higher Productivity for Your Organization?

Touchless reception

Ensuring safety and high-end user experience are undeniably the primary aspects of every no-touch visitor management system today. And by now, the entire world is well aware of it. But do you know what else it can do for your organization? A survey conducted by The Receptionist in 2015 had shown that receptionists or front-office […]

Mobile-Based Employee Attendance Capturing for Your Distributed Workforce

Mobile based attendance

With smartphones in every hand, location-based attendance tracking has become much easier today than it ever was in the past. Pre-pandemic, when we used to work from our office desks, we never felt the need for something like this. But with a distributed and remote workforce today, the easiest and the most accurate way of […]

How Can You Radically Transform Employee Onboarding in 2021?

Radically Transform Employee

2020 has undeniably been the game-changer when it comes to innovation and implementation of technology. And like every other innovative solution, the one that we would be talking about in this blog was birthed from specific lockdown-borne shortfalls – digital employee onboarding that leverages cloud capabilities. The lockdown had got our entire workforce to operate […]

2021: The Beginning of the New Era of No-Touch Receptions!

Beginning of new era

With offices reopening their doors after a lengthy hiatus, 2021 is positively going to be a year full of opportunities and actions. And all those desperate measures that you had designed (or redesigned) and tested throughout 2020 are about to have a true-blue execution. Before going any further, you may consider having a quick look […]

Back-To-Work In 2021

Back to work

After a nightmarish 2020, working professionals throughout the nation are finally getting back to their familiar normal amid this new normal. With the vaccines getting ready to be distributed, the second dry run executed, and the number of recoveries crossing the 1cr.-mark, employers are all set to welcome their employees back. Even though people are […]

Are You Honing Your Digital Fluency?

Honing digital fluency

The sudden appearance of a pandemic has forced every organization in this world to go offsite with their entire operations and workforces. Do you think it would have been even remotely successful without digital technology? 2020 has made digital transformation vital for the survival of organizations apart from upgrading them. It has been the backbone […]

Why Should You Be Trashing Your Visitor Logbooks During the New Normal?

Visitor log book

The new-normal workplace is all about change; change in approach, change in technologies, change in the working environment, change in work location, and whatnots. Each one of us is witnessing these changes since the onset of the pandemic. Our employers are leaving no stones unturned in adopting the best resources for us to ease our […]

Rethinking The ‘New Normal’ Workplace with ‘Trust’

Normal workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has made most of the companies worldwide struggle real hard to keep up with their productivity. There has been a severe drop in product demand since the onset of lockdown. Hence organizations could not capitalize on their talent acquiring opportunities. As a result, the existing employees had to face tremendous pressure while […]